Pastor Rick Rogers
Key Verse: Romans 1:26-27
It is clearly evident that there is a war raging in our culture over the homosexual
movement. It is estimated that less than 10% of the culture is homosexual (some
believe, and I believe more accurately, less than 3%) though a larger percentage of the
populace seems to believe it is acceptable even though it may not be appealing to them.
The pro-homosexual movement is very aggressive and "in your face", and is
often backed and supported by leading 1 politicians and Hollywood types.2
Several major corporations recognize "domestic partners," meaning homosexuals
living together as married couples, allowing them to have employees benefits as a
regular biblically ordained family. There are also numerous television programs which
include homosexual characters in the cast, fostering acceptance in our culture. To take
a vocal stand against the sin of homosexuality invites scathing ridicule from the
media, including the names "homophobic, intolerant hatemonger, radical right, "
It is crucial for the believer to know and understand what Gods Word teaches about
this issue which could be part of the demise of our culture and its church!
A. Homosexual: describes the propensity for sexual relations
with members of ones own sex.
B. Lesbian: a term for a female homosexual, it comes from the
ancient Greek island Lesbos, which was an island inhabited solely by women.
C. Sodomite: a term for a male homosexual, taken from the name
of the city of Sodom and the sin it was known for as found in Genesis
D. Bisexual: those with a sexual preference for both sexes.
E. Malakoi>,
>arsenokoitai: 1 Cor. 6:9 and
1 Tim. 1:10. Although "... there is some uncertainty about the precise meaning of
these Greek terms the majority opinion has been that the first term refers to the
passive partner in a homosexual relationship and the second to the active member."
A. Genetic Theory: Some psychiatrists believe that
homosexuality is genetically transmitted.5 It may thus be considered a
sickness! "If biology explains homosexual behavior, it is assumed that individuals
are given little choice in the matter and thus cannot be held responsible for behavior
they cannot control."6
B. Psychology Theory: Some have believed that early
environmental influences produce homosexual tendencies. However, the American
Psychiatric Assoc. removed it from a list of psychiatric disorders in 1973, fostering
the idea of acceptance among the populace every year following.
C. Questionable Theories: Some link homosexuality to
questionable emotional developments:
- Enforced sexual discipline
- Abnormal family situations
- Rebellion against masculine domination
- Strong maternal influence
- Lack of persons with whom to identify
- Experiences of seduction in youth
D. Biblical Theories: Some defend homosexuality on Scriptural
1. Genesis 19, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was not because of the
about sin of homosexuality. According to D. Sherwin Bailey, in his pro-homosexual
book Homosexuality and the Western Tradition, 1955, states:
a. The sin for which the cities were destroyed (if it was sexual in
nature) was homosexual gang rape, not homosexuality.
b. The problem with the city was inhospitality. The demand of the men of
Sodom "to know" the strangers was a desire to get acquainted and to see
if they were spies. Lot was not hospitable, i. e. he did not follow
"the custom of the day" as to the men who were looking for the visitors.
Because Lot was a foreigner, he should have sent the two messengers to the men of
Sodom first, and then have them in his home.
2. Judges 19:22-27, which has a similar defense as
Genesis 19
3. Jeremiah 23:14, Ezekiel 16:49, the sins of Sodom that are listed include
adultery, lying, helping the wicked, pride, fulness of bread and idleness, but
homosexuality is not listed.
to II.)
A. Scripturally:
1. Genesis 19
To say that the sin was homosexual gang rape is ridiculous. The attempt to do it was
not successful, as the angels blinded the Sodomites. Sin was punished, not attempts!
To say that inhospitality is in view is equally ridiculous! The phrase
"know" in vs. 5 certainly seems to be sexual in nature, as the same word is
used of Lots daughters in vs. 8. The men of Sodom would certainly have known the
daughters of Lot as far as their identity.
It is doubtful that inhospitality would have been in view, cf. Lots answer
in vs. 7. If all they desired was to meet them checking their credentials, etc. would
certainly not qualify as wickedness!
It is also most difficult to dismiss 2 Peter 2:6-9 and Jude 7 as the "sin"
of inhospitality.
2. Leviticus 18:22-24, 20:13, Deut. 23:17-18
3. 1 Kings 14:24, 15:12, 22:46, 2 Kings 23:7
4. Romans 1:24-32, 1 Cor. 6:9-11, 1 Thes. 4:3-4, 1 Tim. 1:10
5. Gen. 1:26-28, 2:24-25, 1 Cor. 7:1ff explains the place and purpose of
sexual relationships
B. Theologically:
1. If homosexuality is genetic, the genes would be mutant and decrease
generationally. Obviously, since homosexuals cannot pro-create, there would soon be
no homosexuals!
2. Psychology even dismissed its own ideas of homosexuality being a
mental disorder. Though it was dismissed for faulty reasons, it obviously is not a
mental disorder.
3. To say that ones emotional surroundings throughout ones life will
determine his sexual preference is to victimize ones self, and release one of
accountability. The Bible certainly rejects this, recognizing the individuals
culpability for ones sins.
Consider: There is some debate about homosexual tendencies and homosexual
activities. For example, being a homosexual is not a sin, but committing the act of
homosexuality is a sin.7 This needs some consideration; it is certainly
not a sin to be a heterosexual (it is Gods design!) but you can sin in the
heterosexual realm. In addition, to say that one is a victim of any of the above
removes any hope of change in the future. Yet the Bible teaches otherwise, and many
homosexuals have come to Christ and changed their lifestyle!8
4. Homosexuality is a sin against God!
In discussing Romans 1:26-28, 32, Jay Adams states it clearly: "In verse 26
Paul speaks of homosexuality as a "degrading passion," in verse 27 as an
"indecent act" and "an error," in verse 28 the improper
activity of a "depraved mind," and verse 32 declares it is "worthy
of death." One is not a homosexual constitutionally any more than one is an
adulterer constitutionally. Homosexuality is not considered to be a condition, but
an act. It is viewed as a sinful practice which can become a way of life. The
homosexual act, like the act of adultery, is the reason for calling one a
homosexual (of course, one may commit homosexual sins of the heart, just as one can
commit heterosexual sins of the heart. He may lust after a man in his heart as
another may lust after a woman). But precisely because homosexuality, like
adultery, is learned behavior into which men with sinful natures are prone to
wander, homosexuality can be forgiven in Christ, and the pattern can be abandoned
and in its place proper patterns can be reestablished by the Holy Spirit."9
" there can be no doubt that the Old Testament regarded homosexuality and
pederasty as crimes punishable by death (Lev. 18:22, 20:13) In the New
Testament homosexuality is again listed in catalogue fashion with other forms of
disobedience, such as idolatry, fornication, adultery there can be no doubt
that Paul regards homo-sexuality as a sin and a perversion of the order of human
existence willed by God "10
C. Practically
1. The danger of AIDS. The average age of men dying of AIDS is 39 11
2. Homosexuals usually have multiple partners, quickly spreading the AIDS
3. The average of gays dying of all other causes is 41
4. Only 1 % of men who practice homosexuality live to 65 or older (average
heterosexual men live to be 65 plus)
5. Homosexuals are three times more likely to have alcohol or drug abuse
6. Homosexuals are 14 times more likely to have syphilis, and 23 times more
likely to contract venereal disease.
7. In San Francisco, the rate of infectious Hepatitis A is twice the national
8. The murder rate is 15 times higher among homosexuals than heterosexuals 12
9. The suicide rate among homosexuals is much higher than the national
average. 20% of practicing homosexuals have attempted suicide. 13
10. It destroys Gods plan for marriage and family, and perverts what God
has established as an ordained institution through which to fulfill the Adamic Covenant
of Gen. 1:26-28.
Conclusion: While homosexuality is clearly classified as a sin in Scripture, and
I believe a very perverse sin at that, one must realize that God hates all sin
including all sexual sin. God will hold the homosexual no more guilty of sexual sin
than He will the fornicator, adulterer, according to 1 Cor.
The church can have a ministry to the homosexual by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus
Christ in love. While many consider them unlovable due to their in-your-face demeanor
and clear hatred to Christ and His church, remember that Christ demonstrated His love
to us all while we were unlovable, Romans 5:8.
We must be careful not to use derogatory terminology or name calling. Many former
homosexuals have been saved, and are now living in the God-ordained institution of
heterosexual marriage, have families, and are serving in Bible believing, Gospel
preaching churches. Gods Word, energized by the Holy Spirit, has the power to save
from all sin!
Yet, we must make it clear that homosexuality is wrong, and confront it as God gives
us opportunity. We recognize that it is NOT an acceptable, alternative lifestyle. It
will harm our culture, as the point III. C. statistics demonstrate clearly. It also
invites the judgment of God! Some have said that if God doesnt punish America for its
sin of homosexuality, He will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. Well, God does NOT owe
anybody an apology, as He has not and can not EVER do anything wrong. There is an
indication that a large percentage of the populace in Sodom were homosexuals, wherein I
believe the statistics of homosexuals in America is quite small from what I have
seen, less than 10%.
End Notes:
[1] Then President Bill Clinton met with members of the Democratic National Committee
of Gays and Lesbians, and stated that I think weve got a much better chance to
pass (pro-gay and lesbian legislation) in 2000, and I hope you will help me with that
I have said many times, I wish we could have done more [to promote the homosexual
agenda] but Im glad we did what we did. Marc Lacey, Clinton tells Gays
He Will Seek to Change Way Dont Tell Policy is Used, New York Times, 17
December 1999, p. A28. Concerned Women for America states, President Clinton
is telling you and the American people that its time you were forced to accept
homosexuality as a normal and acceptable lifestyle. The president is saying that
its time to give same-sex love civil rights protection. How is the
homosexuality community doing this? Through public schools, media, celebrity
endorsement, gay militants, literature, television,
[2] Those who have endorsed homosexuality directly or indirectly include Elton John,
Ellen Degeneres, Tom Hanks, Roseanne, Kelsey Grammer, Boy George,
R. K. Harrison, Encyclopedia of Biblical and Christian Ethics, pp. 182, 393-394.
[4] Michael Ukleja, quoted by Paul and John Feinberg, Ethics for a Brave New World,
p. 199.
[5] For example see Born or Bred? Newsweek: Feb. 24, 1992 pp. 46-53
[6] Sherwood Cole, Biology, Homosexuality and Moral Culpability, Bibliotheca
Sacra 154 (July September 1997); p. 355.
[7] It may be debatable, but needs some reflection. yes"> Patristic
(church fathers) references, like scriptural ones, were directed, however, to the
practice of homosexuality, not the desire itself. There was no condemnation of
the person who kept his propensity in check, Christian judgment instead being imposed
strictly on those who yielded to its pressures. R. K. Harrison,
normal">ibid., p. 183.
[8] For example, see AFA Journal, August 1995, p. 20. yes"> Many
homosexuals have come to Christ and shared their testimonies.
[9] Jay Adams, The Christian Counselors Manual, p. 406.
[10] Helmut Thielicke, The Ethics of Sex, pp. 277-278.
[11] Unless otherwise noted, statistics are from Concerned Women for America.
[12] Manfred E. Kober, Homosexuality: Degeneracy, Debility, or Disease? class
notes, p. 1
[13] Kober, normal">ibid, p. 1