Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D.
September 1998 David L. Brown
Copies of this book are available by contacting:
Logos Communication Consortium, Inc.
P.O. BOX 173 - Oak Creek, WI 53154
Phone: (414) 768-9754 - Fax: (414) 762-8922
This book is NOT intended for children!
It is written to warn parents and adults of abominations and perversions of
Halloween, witchcraft and the occult.
Links to Topics:
Halloween History
More Information Confirming the Pagan, Idolatrous Origin of
The Nimrod - Druid Connection
He caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley
of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used
witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much
evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.
Chronicles 33:6
Our Pilgrim forefathers knew well of Halloween's occult
roots. In fact they banned celebrating Halloween in America. Halloween was not
celebrated in this country until 1845. At that time multiplied thousands of
Irish emigrants flooded into New York because of the Irish Potato Famine of
1845-46. They brought with them an old Druid Holiday they called Halloween.
Gradually celebrating this day spread throughout the rest of the country.
To understand Halloween's roots better we need to go back
further into history and take a look at the Druids and the Celtic people. The
Druids were the pagan priests of the Celts. They were idolaters, occult
practitioners and witches of sorts. Lets begin with the information found in
the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Halloween and its former attendant ceremonies long
antedate Christianity. The two chief characteristics of ancient Halloween
were the lighting of bonfires and the belief that of all nights in the year
this is the one during which ghosts and witches are most likely to wander
abroad. Now on or about the 1st of November the Druids held their
great autumn festival and lighted fires in honor of the Sun-god in
thanksgiving of the harvest. Further, it was a Druidic belief that on the
eve of this festival Saman, lord of death, called together the wicked souls
that within the past twelve months had been condemned to inhabit the bodies
of animals. Thus it is clear that the main celebration of Halloween was
purely Druidical, and this is further proved by the fact that in parts of
Ireland the 31st of October was, and even still is, known as Oidhche
Shamhna, "Vigil of Saman." On the Druidic ceremonies were
grafted some of the characteristics ! of the Roman festival in honor of
Pamona held about the 1st of November
Depending on your source material, the Druid Lord of Death
and evil spirits was called Saman, Shamhan, Samana, Shamhain or Samhain. I have
received numerous letters and e-mail from witches telling me there was no such
Druid god. Yet, in the source material that I have used, (see the above quote),
such as the historic 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica, it
identifies the Druid Lord of Death as Saman and his holiday named
after him as Oidhche Shamhna, translated "Vigil of Saman."
Other reliable sources call his "holiday" "The Vigil Samhain"
(Shamhain is pronounced so-wein). I ask you, are the protests of the occult
community an effort to "white wash" the truth about Saman and how they
worshipped him in fiendish, bloody worship rituals? I believe that is probable.
Suffice it to say, at this point that the pagan worship day
Samhain evolved into Halloween. But what of their Lord of Death? You probably
have seen a modern day version of SAMAN without even knowing it. This pagan god
was shown as a ghostly, skeleton holding a sickle in his hand. He later came to
be known as THE GRIM REAPER.
More Information Confirming the Pagan, Idolatrous Origin of
Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every
abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for
even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.
Deuteronomy 12:31
Ralph Linton wrote:
The American celebration (of Halloween) rests upon
Scottish and Irish folk customs which can be traced in a direct line from
pre-Christian times. The earliest celebrations were held by the DRUIDS in
honor of Shamhain, Lord of Death, whose festival fell on November 1st.
Another source adds this information. November 1st
was the Celtic New Year. That day was considered the day of death because
temperatures were dropping, the tree leaves were falling, and it was getting
dark sooner and staying dark longer. They believed their sun god, identified in
the World Book Encyclopedia as Muck Olla, was losing strength because Saman,
Lord of Death, was overpowering him. Remember, it was a Druidic belief that on
the eve of the Vigil of Saman, October 31, the Lord of Death called together the
wicked souls that within the past twelve months had been condemned to inhabit
the bodies of animals as punishment for their evil deeds. This demon god then
allowed them to return to their former homes to visit the living. Supposedly, to
appease the Lord of Death and keep the spirits from harming the people, Druid
priests led the people in diabolical worship ceremonies in which horses, cats,
black sheep, oxen, human beings and other offerings were rounded up, stuffed
into wicker cages and burned to death. Again, I have received correspondence
from witches that dispute my assertion that Druids offered human sacrifices.
Once again, I will reaffirm my position that they did offer human sacrifices,
based on my research. Allow me to provide the evidence.
In his definitive book, The Druids, by Stuart Piggott
you can read the following
Our information on Druid ceremonies mainly centers on
sacrifice, and is contained in the Posidonian sources and in Pliny. Strabo
writesof human sacrifice by shooting to death by arrows, or by impaling,
and the holocaust of human and animal victims alike in a huge wicker figure
(kolosson). Caesar likewise describes these great figures (immani
magnitudine simulacra) whose limbs were filled with living men and set on
fire. Tacitus is specific on British Druids: 'they deemed it indeed a duty
to cover their altars with the blood of captives and to consult their
deities through human entrails.
In the book, The Celts, Gerhard Herm writes of the
Celtic people
The inhabitants employ a very surprising and incredible
custom when they want to know matters of great importance. They consecrate a
human being to death, drive a dagger into his belly, above the abdomen, and
draw conclusions about events to come from the squirming of the victim and
the spurting of his blood. They have been practicing this custom since time
From the writings of Julius Caesar, we have this account. In
the century preceding the birth of Christ, Caesar conquered the Britons and he
records very carefully the account of the DRUID PRIESTS:
All Gallic nations are much given to superstition...they
either offer up men as victims to the gods, or make a vow to sacrifice
themselves. The ministers in these offerings are the Druids, and they hold
that the wrath of the immortal gods can only be appeased, and man's life
redeemed, by offering up human sacrifice, and it is a part of their national
institutions to hold fixed solemnities (Ceremonies) for this purpose.
I looked deeper to see if I could find the dates of these
"fixed solemnities." I found the answer in an encyclopedia called Man,
Myth and Magic. "The pagan Celts in Northern Europe held two great fire
festivals each year -- Beltane on the eve of 1 May and Samhain on the eve of 1
November -- to mark the beginning of summer and winter." So you see that
Samhain, the forerunner of Halloween, was one of the days when human sacrifices
were offered. It is interesting to note that when they gathered together on
these pagan worship days they would meet in a grove of trees, preferably oak
trees, or in a stone circle. There are many stone circles in the British Isles
and in western Europe. The most famous surviving stone circle is Stonehenge,
located on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire England. It is evident that human
sacrifice was common at this ancient Druid Sacrificial Circle because within
three miles of this site there are over 350 funeral mounds that contain the
remnants of countless human sacrifices.

And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire
to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 18:21
Have you ever wondered where the heinous pagan worship
rituals of the Druids originated? I have. As it turns out it goes all the way
back to Nimrod, who built Babel or Babylon. He conceived a one world government
model in rebellion against Jehovah-God and went about to establish a one world
government in the land of Shinar (which is today known as Iraq) and institute a
pagan worship system that rejected the Lord God Jehovah. The primary false god
worshipped was called Baal (Syrian & Phoenician), Bel (Assyrian), Moloch or
Molech (Ammonites), Ra or Re (Egyptian) to name just a few. Here is why that is
important. The American Book of Days says, "Many of Halloween's
customs are derived from the ancient Baal Festivals. Other customs originate
from the taking of omens from the struggles of victims in the fires of druidic
sacrifices." Alexander Hislop wrote, "The worship of Bel
(Moloch) and Astarte was very early introduced into Britain along with the
Druids, the priests of the groves. From Bel, the 1st of May is still
called Beltane in the Almanac; and we have customs still lingering at this day
among us, which prove how exactly the worship of Bel or Moloch had been observed"
The reference to "lingering customs" refers to Halloween.
Now, allow me to turn your attention back to Nimrod for a
moment. It is important that you know that Nimrod incorporated into his worship
system the grisly practice of human sacrifice and cannibalism. Hislop says,
"the priests of Nimrod or Baal were necessarily required to eat of the
human sacrifices; and thus it has come to pass that Cahna-Bal (cahna
meaning priest & Bal referring to Baal), the Priest of Baal is the
established word (cannibal) in our own tongue for a devourer of human
flesh." Heres why that is important. "The god whom the Druids
worshipped was Baal, as the blazing Baal-fires show andchildren were offered
in sacrifice to Baal." Thats what Baal (Moloch) worshippers did. We know
that because of what we read in the Bible in Jeremiah 19:5 They
have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt
offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into
my mind.
There is absolutely no doubt that Samhain - Halloween, was a
wicked pagan worship day. It is little wonder that even today Halloweens
focus is still on horror, mutilation, death, evil and the occult seeing that it
is rooted in Baal worship! But, I come in contact with people regularly who
protest, "That may have been true in the past, but that is not true
Witches have never given up Halloween! Occultists of all
stripes still lay claim to the day and worship their pagan gods and goddesses on
that day with demonic rituals.