A Special Bulletin On Marsha Stevens
Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D. In our church hymnal on page 263 is a song titled "For Those Tears I Died" by Marsha Stevens. Our song leader got up as is his pattern and instructed the congregation to turn to it and sing. I interrupted and explained that we would not be singing that song because the author is and has been a practicing lesbian. Our song leader had genuinely forgotten the conversation we had had some time previously indicating that we should not sing that song. Actually there are three good reasons NOT to sing the song. First, it is theologically unsound. Second, Ms. Stevens was called by Christian Century "The Mother of Contemporary Christian Music." And last, but not least, she is a committed lesbian. In this brief report I will deal only with the "lesbian" issue. Marsha Stevens "came out of the closet" a number of years back and is proud to be a Lesbian, "Christian," Evangelist. Here is whats posted on her web page located at -- http://www.balmministries.com "In 1979, after seven years of wedlock, she divorced. She had fallen in love with a woman." Marsha says, "When I came out as a born again lesbian, I didnt anticipate that people would come unglued the way they did. Once the church found out, people came over and told me to take the Jesus Is Lord sign off my door." Why would they say that? Because the Bible makes it clear that such behavior is vial affection and against His design. We read in Romans 1:26 "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature." Ms. Stevens claims to be a Christian. In fact, she has started a business called BALM Recording which stands for Born Again Lesbian Music. This is an arm of the Southwest District of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (a group of homosexual activist organizations and "churches."). Through that organization she has produced six solo albums and a concert video. Her releases are regularly recorded in the "Gay Music Guide" and in fact her last two releases were rated by that organization as "among the top 20" best records. The biggest lie that Marsha is telling is that God does not care if you are a homosexual! You can be a homosexual and a Christian! She says on her web site, "I found out that I didnt need to come out to God"
In fact, I do not believe that Marsha was ever genuinely saved. I say that because of her "salvation" testimony posted on her web site. "In 1969, Marsha Stevens was a troubled adolescent when she had her first conscious encounter with Christ while participating in a Bible study group. In the vision this encounter evoked, she saw herself walking with Jesus near a deep blue river and this experience both changed and saved her life." Is that how someone gets saved? Does a vision of "walking with Jesus near a deep blue river" meet the Bibles standard of repenting of you sins, faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross an His bodily resurrection? I think not. In conclusion my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I cannot, in good conscience allow, "For Those Tears I Died" (or any other songs) by Marsha Stevens to be sung or played in the church, in my car or in my home. To do so would offend our Holy Triune God. E-mail: FirstBaptistChurchOC@gmail.com |