LOST AND FOUND(For boys and girls, based upon a true incident)
"Here is the next stop," said the Captain as they pulled to a docking area. "We'll be taking around a 10-15 minute break here. Just walk down this path. It will lead you to a refreshment stand. There you can purchase refreshments, souvenirs, or just relax." Danny was excited to get off the boat and walk on the wooden pathway bridge designed to be a passageway for visitors. How refreshing it was to get out of the hot sun and walk in the cool mist provided by the water running down the rocks. The temperatures were much cooler in the caverns. After reaching the refreshment center, Danny strolled over to his mother. "I'm heading back to the boat mom," he said. "I want to get a good seat on the upper deck of the boat." With that, Danny headed down the path. He walked for several minutes. Suddenly fear gripped his heart. "I'm lost" he thought, "none of this looks familiar to me." Danny wandered for just a couple more minutes when the path he was on led to a road instead of the river for which he was looking. "Now I really know I'm lost." He said. Danny's heart began to beat fast as he quickly ran back on the path that had led him the wrong direction. In just a short time, he was back at the refreshment stand. His fear turned to panic as he realized everyone who had been on his boat was gone including his family. Just then, Danny discovered the wooden bridge pathway that he remembered taking after they left the boat. The boards were slippery as water misted and sprayed from a nearby waterfall. "You'd better slow down so you don't slip!" yelled the Captain of another boat who had docked just a minute ago. "Your captain told me you're lost. They are just about ready to leave. If you miss your boat, you can come with us." Danny did not want to miss his boat. He was careful as he ran. He had no intention of slipping or falling into the water or against the sharp jagged rocks. Just as he rounded the bend, he saw his boat. But, they were loosing the ropes from shore soon to take off. Danny's mom realized he was missing and was just getting off to go look for him. How relieved she was to see him coming down the path. "You'd better jump on," said the Captain. "We're ready to go." The boat was several inches from the shore, but Danny jumped and landed safely on board. How relieved he was to be back with him family. He never wanted to be lost again! Perhaps you can remember a time when you were lost. Perhaps you were separated from your parents in a store or at a park. You can remember how frightened you were. Did you know there is something worse than being separated from your parents? That is being separated from God. The Bible tells us that sin separates us from God. Sin is anything we do that displeases God like lying, cheating, disobeying parents, or many other things. Romans 3:23 states, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Every man, woman, boy and girl has sinned. The Bible also tells us in Romans 6:23 that "the wages (or payment) of sin is death" (to be separated from God.) Knowing that sin separates us, God sent His Son, Jesus to come to earth. John 3:16 tells us, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Jesus died on the Cross, shed his blood and paid the penalty for our sin. Jesus rose from the dead and now lives in Heaven. God offers this gift of salvation to those who will by faith receive this free gift. Acts 16:31 says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." You must completely trust that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for your sin. You must place your trust in Him and receive Him as your Savior. The Bible says, "the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23. Right now, you can pray and receive this free gift from God. You might pray something like this --
Dear friend, if you have prayed this prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are a child of God and will never be separated from the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says, "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." John 10:28 Now that Jesus Christ is your Savior, you should do the following things: Read God's Word the Bible. Talk to Him in prayer. Go to Church to learn more about Him. Tell your friends about how they too can place their trust in Jesus. He is waiting and wants to be their Savior too. May God Bless You, Jim Schneider