Angelman Syndrome: Matthews Story
Used by permission of Jim
and Faith (Matthews Parents)
You may contact Jim and Faith at jf.schneider@juno.com
Angelman Syndrome affects both boys and girls. There are approximately 1500 cases known in the United States alone with many additional known cases around the world. Matthew is continuous care and will always require assistance. Despite the special needs Matthew has, our family knows that God placed Matthew into our family for a special reason. Matthew has two brothers and a sister that are great helpers. They encourage and help Matthew in achieving the most that he can. It is because each of us has a personal faith in Jesus Christ that we know God has made no mistake and is allowing this for good. We have a great peace and confidence in God and know that nothing ever takes Him by surprise. Perhaps you are being tested by adversity. Maybe you or a loved one is also disabled in some way. Perhaps there are intense struggles you are facing in your life, pressures coming from your job, your family or other areas and you are wondering if you will be able to handle the situation or if youre going to be able to cope thru another day. The source of our strength is from God and this began with a personal relationship with Him. The Bible tells us that everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23) and that sin separates us from God (Romans 6:23). God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus, to die and shed His own blood to pay the penalty for our sin (John 3:16, Romans 5:8). Jesus arose again and later ascended to Heaven where He is today. All we need to do is accept this free gift from God (John 1:12, Ephesians 2:8-9). We cannot earn salvation, but it is offered to us freely. Simply but sincerely pray to God, "Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I believe Jesus Christ paid the penalty for my sin. I now receive Him as my personal Savior. In Jesus Name Amen." Though your life ahead may not always be easy, God will give you the grace and the strength to meet the challenges each new day brings. God will never leave you or forsake you, but will give you a peace and joy that you never could experience before. Allow God to meet your needs today.