A Special Bulletin On Marsha Stevens

In our church hymnal on page 263 is a song titled “For Those Tears I Died” by Marsha Stevens. Our song leader got up as is his pattern and instructed the congregation to turn to it and sing. I interrupted and explained that we would not be singing that...

“Christian” Rock Is The Devil’s Music

Topics: Introduction Three Common “Strange Fire” Offerings Research Supports the Connection of the Strong Beat with Paganism Rock Music is “Strange Fire” The Result Notes Introduction TEXT: Leviticus 10:1-3 & 10 “And Nadab and Abihu,...

Handel’s Messiah

He had known what it was to be popular! For 30 years he had entertained Lords and Ladies with his operas. But those days seemed long past. Creditors were at his door. He was depressed. He could not sleep and he was plagued by rheumatism. If he did not come up with a...

Why Battle Over Bible Versions?

Presented at the 30th Annual Dean Burgon Society July 9-10, 2008 INTRODUCTION The Bible is the foundation of literally everything in New Testament Christianity! Therefore it is imperative that you have an uncorrupted Bible. If something does not have a biblical base...