The Problem with Pokémon & Pokémon GO

Mon fils m’a appel rcemment pour me demander, “Papa, est-ce que tu connais les cartes de jeu de collection Pokmon?” La raison pourquoi il m’a demand cela est parce que mon petit-fils g de 7 ans, est arriv la maison avec plusieurs de ces cartes...

A Course In Miracles: Is It Christian?

Outline and Links to Topics: INTRODUCTION FALSE DOCTRINAL TEACHINGS OF A COURSE IN MIRACLES     Doctrine of Jesus/Doctrine of Man     Reality Manipulation     Atonement of Jesus A BIBLICAL RESPONSE INTRODUCTION Although it is not widely known “A COURSE IN...

Syncretism: What is it?

In the early 1970’s my wife and I were in Haiti for three months. There in the capital city, Port-au-Prince I saw a sight I will never forget. There was a celebration going on of some sort. People lined the streets. As a parade of sorts was passing by. Then all...


NOTE: This article may be reproduced only in its entirety including this notification. It may not be reproduced for resale. Links to Topics: INTRODUCTION A NEW WIND OF DOCTRINE BLOWING AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE WHOSE BEHIND THIS LAUGHING REVIVAL? SOME OTHER TEACHINGS...