The existence of one or two of these things is not 100% proof that the young person is involved in Satanism. It does mean you should look deeper. Check the persons bedroom, the garage, the basement, tree house or near by woods to see if you find other signs. If you uncover a number of these signs, it is a good indicator that the person is dabbling in the occult. If you have any questions contact David Brown at the address that appears at the end of this article.

Look for These Signs —

  • Occult drawings on books, notebooks
  • Discovery of a diary (called a Book of Shadows) filled with strange signs, symbols, drawings (pentagrams, 666, horned figures etc.), & written entries
  • Poems speaking of blood, murder, Satan, evil, dying or mocking God
  • An unusual interest in the Bible without a change in behavior (many people read the Bible to learn about Satan or to blaspheme the Scriptures by mocking them or writing them backwards)
  • Discovery of a copy of the “Satanic Bible” or “Satanic Rituals” by Anton LaVey, books by Aleister Crowley or books other books, magazines, comics or writings with heavy occult themes
  • Interest in occult-related movies, video games
  • Obsession with fantasy role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, Tunnels and Trolls, etc.
  • He/she is called by a different name by friends
  • Talking in rhyme
  • Boys growing long fingernails
  • Previously unnoticed cuts, marks, tattoos, or brands on the body (These are often in obscure places like the buttocks, genitals, breasts etc. and often on the left side of the body)
  • Eating raw meat
  • Unusually violent rebellion
  • Occult paraphernalia like bones, animal skulls, knives, candle (particularly black, red, white), pentagrams, hooded robes, etc.
  • Evidence of animal torture or sacrifice

What if you discover your son or daughter is dabbling in Satanism or the occult? First, keep calm. Don’t lose your temper. Let them know you love them and are concerned about their well being. Warn of the dangers associated with Satanism, witchcraft and occult practices. It may be wise to contact your pastor, a Christian organization that specializes in working with youth dabbling in occult activities or your local police department. Dabbling in Satanism is not just a phase your child will out grow.

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